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We take them all – all sales packaging from A-Z


How to order - three steps to subscription licensing:

What does the packaging licence / EPR cost?

Prices start fom 23,89 € per year. The costs of your packaging licence depend on the types of packaging and volumes that you sell to Germany. In principle, there are no further service fees – you will receive a transparent cost overview when you enter your forecast volumes of packaging waste in our calculator.


After the free online registration with the Central Packaging Register via the packaging register LUCID, you can easily calculate the volume of your packaging material with our packaging calculator.


You confirm and pay the corresponding license fee in our calculator, there you will find extensive extras as well as order confirmation etc.. After payment you will receive your license confirmation for the reported volumes.


Then you report your licensed volume to the LUCID packaging register and update it regularly.

License year:

Choose the annual volumes of your packaging materials:

Calculate the price
Cardboard, Paper, Carton kg
Glass kg
Plastics kg
Aluminum kg
Ferrous Metals kg
Other Composite Packaging kg
Other Material kg
Beverage Carton Packaging kg
Calculate the price

Your net price*:

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