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Quantity Determination

What is the fastest way to calculate the packaging materials to be licensed? Here we show different ways how you can quickly get a result.

Quantity Determination

Are you a manufacturer and/or distributor/importer?

You have countless packages or packagings and don’t know where to start when calculating your packaging materials? We have developed the packaging calculator for you.  As an example, we have compiled common packaging materials for you, partly including the additional packaging aids. So you only have to determine the corresponding number you want to register in the licensing year.


0,000 kg


0,000 kg


0,000 kg

Carton S

Carton M

Carton L

Carton S
Carton S incl. packing tape
Carton S incl. packing tape & filling material made of paper
Carton S incl. packing tape & filling material made of plastic
bubble envelopes S Made of Paper

Size S

Size M

Size L

Bottle / Glass S with lid - plastic
Bottle / Glass S with lid - alu
Bottle / Glass S with lid - cork

Size S

Size M

Size L

Shipping bag S without filler
Packaging cup S
Foil S
Klicken Sie in eine Zeile, um weitere Infos zur Verpackung zu erhalten.

Quantity Determination

Four steps to licensing packaging quantities:

What is the fastest way to calculate the packaging materials to be licensed? Here we show different ways how you can quickly get a result. First, let’s start with the tried and true calculation.


Record the material types of packaging used per product,


determine the weight of each type of material,


estimate the expected sales figures of your products,


multiply the estimated number of products by the previously determined weights per material type.

Repeat this for the filling material and the other packaging materials (material fractions) etc. and then calculate the total amount of the licensing packaging quantity.

If this is too time-consuming for you, simply use our calculation help. Here we have already prepared everything for you and have compiled common packaging materials, partly including the additional packaging aids, for you as examples in different material types. The only thing you have to do: Determine the appropriate number that you want to register in the licensing year. The reference examples used also provide you with good reference values and serve as an aid for calculating packaging quantities. At the end of the calculation, the quantities are transferred to the license quantity calculator. For this purpose, we provide calculation aids for the main material categories. We do not guarantee the correctness of the calculated quantities.

Quantity Determination >
Vater und Tochter am Glascontainer