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Dual System

Closing loops together to set sustainable accents in environmental compatibility and recyclability.


We take responsibility & close the loop

The main task of Recycling Dual as a dual system is to ensure the collection, sorting and recycling of sales packaging. We are building a holistic licensing system for the collection of packaging waste in Germany. As a result the Packaging Act (VerpackG) taking effect product stewardship has much more responsible for keeping the packaging materials they put into circulation in the production cycle. As a result, all types of packaging generated by private end consumers at home or  accumulate as waste at  comparable sources of waste generation must be licensed. As the first industry-supported system, we are in a position to support you in assuming your product responsibility and together we can close the entire paper cycle. Benefit from our product innovations from Smurfit Westrock. This enables us to offer you a holistic and sustainable product portfolio. This offers you completely new possibilities – contact us.

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Mülltonne Recycling Dual two people

Our advantages:

  • From 2021, sales packaging will be legally compliant, easy to license online.
  • As a paper expert, we can close “real” circulations.
  • Reduction and facilitation of workflows
  • Performance-based offers for license customers who prefer real material-specific disposal costs.
  • Professional consulting for key accounts on sustainable packaging optimization in conjunction with our affiliated Experience Centers.

Our service portfolio:

  • We offer fair licensing prices, especially for Paper packaging.
  • The closed circulations leads to satisfied consumers and retailers.
  • As an integrated dual system, we pool our experience in recycling management and packaging optimization.
  • Together we close the loop and increase the use of recycled material. This is how you become an expert for sustainibility.
  • In addition to packaging licensing, we also offer options to take back your transport packaging.
  • With us, you can have the recyclability of your packaging checked and certified.
Contact us >
Vater und Tochter am Glascontainer

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